
作者:艾米丽·埃勒斯, 数字式电压表, a current volunteer in the Animal 资源 Department at Cincinnati Museum Center and a Masters Degree student in Project Dragonfly at Miami University

As I enter the Free-Flight cage, I hear the angry squeaks of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) fighting over space under the towels that hang from the top of the enclosure. I pinpoint the direction that the squeaks are coming from, lift up the towel and say good morning to some of the resident big brown bats that call Cincinnati Museum Center home. Some people, like me, think bats are cute, while others believe that they are scary. So, no matter which way you look at them, what is the truth behind these denizens of the dark?

Big brown bats are just one of over 1,400 bat species found all over the world. This makes them the second largest order of mammals in the world, just behind rodents. Bats belong to the order Chiroptera, which means “hand wing.” Their wings are composed of a thin layer of skin stretched between their arms, 手指和腿拉长. Due to this adaptation, bats are the only mammal that are capable of true and sustained flight.

If you look up towards the sky at dusk during the summer or fall, you will more than likely see one or several big brown bats flying above your head as they search for a snack of yummy insects. Big brown bats are the most common of the roughly ten microbat (small bats with small eyes, large ears and eat mostly insects) species which call Ohio home. Some of their relatives include the endangered Indiana bat, 三色的蝙蝠, 北方长耳蝠和小棕蝠. These species and others have decreased in number due to loss of habitat, 减少食物来源, 气候变化, 迫害, 风力涡轮机和真菌, Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd),它会导致白鼻子综合症. Pd grows on the bats’ muzzles and wings and causes them to wake early from their hibernation torpor (or sleep). 当蝙蝠醒来, they use their energy stores and without food sources during the winter, 死于饥饿. Pd spreads very rapidly between bats in the caves but can also be spread by humans that visit the caves. 如果你喜欢洞穴探险, you need to make sure that you bring a change of clothes and boots so that you are not unknowingly spreading the disease.

Due to the major declines in bat populations over the years, researchers have been closely monitoring population numbers. One of the ways that researchers have been studying bats is through acoustic monitoring surveys. 声学监测利用蝙蝠的回声定位, or the ultrasonic sound waves that bats produce to help them navigate and find food. The sound waves bounce off objects and return to the bats’ ears which allows them to determine the distance between themselves and the object. Each bat species has their own distinct echolocation and by using a special machine, 叫做蝙蝠探测器, researchers can see and hear the differences between the calls to determine the number and species of bats present in an area. 通过监控一段时间的数字, they have been able to see declines and rebounds of populations across the state.

所以,你会问,蝙蝠有什么大不了的? 我为什么要关心他们? Well, there are multiple reasons why bats are beneficial to you and the environment. 首先,它们是控制昆虫的主要来源. The main diet of Ohio bats are insects, and each bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitos in one hour. 这节省了3美元.每年花费70亿美元防治害虫. Think about the amount of pesticides that would be used on crops and insects yearly if we did not have bats! Also, bats help to pollinate plants and spread seeds. How many of you enjoy tequila in your mixed drinks? You can thank bats for that as they help to pollinate the agave plant in South America. Additionally, bat guano (or poop) is a great fertilizer for plants. Bats can even serve as indicators of water quality!

你能做些什么来帮助拯救他们? 很好的问题! 这里有一些你可以做的事情:

  • Spread the word to your family and friends and let them know how great bats are!
  • Encourage your representatives in the House and Senate to pass legislation, 比如《网上赌搏网站十大排行》(RAWA), 支持保护工作.
  • Participate in acoustic monitoring studies to help monitor local bat populations, such as the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) or bat monitoring program through the Ohio Department of Natural 资源.
  • 在你的土地上建造蝙蝠屋.
  • Plant bat gardens to attract food and provide shelter for bats. Bat Conservation International has great resources on DIY projects to help bats.
  • Leave old trees alone as bats roost in the hollowed out portions of the trees during the summer.
  • If you encounter a bat, especially in your home, do not try to handle it. 打电话给动物搬运公司.

For more information about Bat Conservation International, 请浏览他们的网站 www.batcon.org. For more information on NABat, 请浏览他们的网站 http://www.nabatmonitoring.org/. For more information on the bat monitoring program through the Ohio Department of Natural 资源, 请浏览他们的网站 http://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/wildlife-management/bats-acoustic-surveys.

张贴在 动物学.